Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday July 26 Relaxing Sunday in Ukraine

Hi all,
Well I had some bad dreams last night I guess in the back of my mind i was worrying if after Madison slept on the news about her sister would she still greet us like always. So we had a cab come and get us this morning so Oksanna could have a day off. She deserves it. We arrived at the orphanage at about 10:30 and went inside to check her out. One of the children went upstairs to get her and she came running down ready to go and ran up to Jeff and gave him his usual morning hug and mine followed. We called Oksanna to tell her we were going to the open market to shop for dinner and then we were spending the day at the apartment. The market is CRAZY on Sundays. Jeff had his first experience at almost getting pic pocketed. We were buying a magazine that Madison picked out and he said he felt the cellphone being taken out of his back pocket, he swung his elbow and hit this old lady that had her hand in his pants. She was not happy and even though we couldnt understand the cursing in Russian we are sure that is what was being said and she was ticked off and Madison's eyes were big. Madison was not impressed with the crowd at the market and just picked a magazine and a pair of earrings and was ready to go home. We walked home and she sat down and started reading ( as usual) her magazine. Then we worked on the computer a little and she decided she wanted a shower and for me to fix her hair. So she went into her room and picked a new complete outfit and to the bathroom she went. Well any of you that know Zach knows how he loves his bath time....competion has arrived. The water ran for atleast 20-25 minutes before the princess emerged. Then I introduced the hair dryer to her and she acted as though she had never seen one and asked me to do it. After the girlie stuff she was ready to watch a movie and eat some of her dad's lunch he prepared. She loves pasta and dad's cooking. I asked her if she liked to cook and she is my daughter. She snarled her nose. HA. We took her how to play UNO and she likes it. We had to have her back at 1800 so we decided we would go get a pizza before the cab arrived and we typed out on the computer and had it translated what kind of salad we wanted. When we arrived at the restaurant she grabbed the menu and started looking at it. Jeff made his fingers in the motion of typing and said " Remember we typed it at home" and she said " I DONT KNOW" LOL our first experience with a pre teen attitude. We shut up and let her order our dinner and we got Pizza with shrimp, fish and mussels on it and you better believe we ate it with the fear of backlash if we didnt. No joke it was good but it cracked us up. She definetly knows English if she wants to. She asked yesterday if she could have cookies to keep under her pillow because at night before bed she and her friends sit and talk and they would like something to snack on. So we let her pick out some at the store. When we got her back to the orphanage she gave us our usual hugs and kisses and her and her midnight snack disappeared to go hide them. We decided we would walk back to the apartment approx 2.5 -3 miles as the day ended up being very nice temperature wise. It was nice except the mussels, shrimp and fish pizza made the nice stroll a gallop for 2.3 miles. LOL...we made it though with no mishaps. Hope all is well and we love the comments and emails so please keep it up it is nice to have that connection to home. We are very blessed to have this experience and opportunity to be where we are at and to have people at home helping us take care of our love ones there. We miss you all and cant wait to bring this special little girl home. She is amazing. God has truly blessed us so many times in the last 20 years.
Jeff and Donna


  1. I love reading your daily activities, it makes me feel that I am right there with the 3 of you. Keep them coming! Poor Zach......

  2. Sounds like things are going well. I left a message for Zach on his B-day,but have not heard back from him. I got a call from Humana wanting a refrence for Trevor. I hope he got the job. Keep intouch.
