Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday July 27

Well its been another wild day of running all over. We have been to every corner of this town trying to get our paperwork finalized. Still no court date. Oksana & Galya are working their tail off trying to get all this worked out. If there were two people who can get it done I know they will. We need lots of pryers for us, Oksanna, Galya, and Nina (Madison). Donna needs extra she has been BAD lately.HAHA Madison rode her first escalater today and her eyes got real big, she liked it once we got off. Well its been a rough one and maybe there will be more and better news tomorrow. The good news is it has finally cooled off the bad news is when Donna was doing her last minute packing and unpacking at the airport in front of the whole world the jeans got left at home. Good night and God Bless
Jeff & Donna

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